Reiki is a Japanese form of energy-healing therapy. It’s based on the notion that all humans have energy fields, or life forces, that keep us alive. According to the practice, physical, mental, and emotional issues can occur if this energy is low or becomes blocked. The purpose of Reiki is to promote good health by balancing these energy fields. It’s done by a Reiki practitioner, who places their hands on or just above your body to redirect energy. Research suggests it may help reduce pain and anxiety, improve your mood and sense of well-being, and help with depression.


The Reiki method of healing was founded on the revelation and understanding of the body’s energy system. Reiki practitioners strive to improve health and quality of life by offering Reiki energy and restoring balance. In 1914, Matiji Kawakami, a Japanese therapist, created a healing style he called Reiki Ryoho, and in 1919, he published a book titled Reiki Ryoho to Sono Koka, or Reiki Healing and Its Effects. The other Reiki healing styles in use at the time were: Reikan Tonetsu Ryoho, created by Reikaku Ishinuki; Senshinryu Reiki Ryoho, created by Kogetsu Matsubara; and Seido Reishojutsu, created by Reisen Oyama. It was during this time that these Reiki styles were already in use that, in March 1922, Usui Sensei had his mystical experience on Kuramayama, in which he was given Reiki energy, and from this he developed his style of Reiki, which he called Usui Reiki Ryoho.

Principles of Reiki

The philosophy of Reiki is rooted in five principles. These principles provide guidance for healing and balancing your Reiki energy.

Here are the five principles of Reiki:

  1. Just for today, I will not worry. This principle aims to help you release the energy of worry. It encourages you to recognize worry and let it go, allowing you to invite happiness into your life.
  2. Just for today, I will not be angry. This principle aims to help you release the energy of anger. It encourages you to recognize anger and let it go, allowing you to invite happiness into your life.
  3. Just for today, I’m grateful. This is a reminder to express gratitude for all that you have. By slowing down and recognizing the good in your life, it may help you foster more positive energy.
  4. Just for today, I expand my consciousness: In Reiki, actively practicing mindfulness is key to balancing your energy. This principle encourages you to recognize how you’ve been more conscious of appreciating the present moment.
  5. Just for today, I’m gentle with all beings. This principle focuses on how being kind to others lets you receive positive energy in return. It includes being gentle with yourself, which is essential for spiritual health.

You can use Reiki principles as mantras to help guide your thoughts and actions each day.

Benefits of Reiki

Physical and Mental Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is a form of energy healing that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and supports healing through gentle touch.

Here are some of the physical and mental benefits of Reiki:

  1. Promotes Relaxation and Reduces Stress: Reiki aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It promotes relaxation, stress reduction, and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being.
  2. Stimulates the Body’s Immune System: Reiki can stimulate your body’s immune system, promoting natural self-healing.
  3. Relieves Pain and Tension: Reiki can relieve pain and tension, making it beneficial for people with chronic pain, infertility, digestive problems, Parkinson’s disease, and psychological distress, including depression and anxiety.
  4. Improves Mood: Reiki has been linked to improved mood. It may also help people develop greater self-awareness, insight into their emotions and life experiences, and better coping skills for managing difficult situations.

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Reiki

Reiki works on the body, mind, and spirit as a whole. It balances the emotions, brings clarity to the mind, stimulates spiritual growth, and reconnects us to our true selves. Here are some of the emotional and spiritual benefits of Reiki:

  1. Fosters Emotional Healing: Reiki supports emotional healing by releasing pent-up stress and promoting a sense of calm and emotional balance.
  2. Promotes Spiritual Growth: Reiki can aid in spiritual growth by helping individuals become energetically balanced. This balance can lead to a deeper connection with the self and the universe.
  3. Enhances Self-Awareness: Reiki can help enhance self-awareness, allowing individuals to better understand their emotions, reactions, and behaviors.
  4. Improves Coping Skills: By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, Reiki can improve an individual’s ability to cope with stress and adversity.

Remember, these are general benefits, and the experience can vary greatly from person to person. If you’re interested in learning more about Reiki, you might want to consult with a Reiki expert or do further research.

Practice of Reiki

In a Reiki session, the practitioner seeks to transfer universal energy (Reiki) to the client, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself through the balancing of energy. This is typically done by placing the hands in a series of positions over or slightly above the body. Reiki can be performed on oneself or on others. It is important to note that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy. The practice is commonly used for stress reduction and relaxation, and it is believed to promote healing. It’s important to approach Reiki with an open mind and a willingness to experience energy work, as it is a deeply individual and spiritual practice.

The Process of Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is generally a hands-on practice, but it can also be conducted from a distance. The process involves the Reiki practitioner using specific hand positions, either touching the client’s body or holding their hands slightly above it. These positions are held for a few minutes each, focusing on different areas of the body. The intention is to channel universal life energy to the client, which is believed to assist in healing and balancing the body’s energy systems.

Reiki Training and Attunements

To practice Reiki, one must receive an attunement from a Reiki master. This process is believed to open the energy channels in the body and allow the practitioner to channel the Reiki energy. There are different levels of Reiki training:

  1. Level I: This level focuses on opening the energy channels, allowing the practitioner to channel Reiki mainly to themselves.
  2. Level II: This level increases the practitioner’s ability to channel energy and introduces the use of Reiki symbols, which are believed to enhance the healing process. It also includes the practice of distance healing.
  3. Level III/Master Level: This level is for those who wish to teach Reiki to others. It involves a more significant commitment and understanding of the principles and practice of Reiki.

Variations and Adaptations

Since its introduction to the Western world, Reiki has evolved and branched into various schools and traditions. Each of these retains the core elements of Reiki but may have different symbols, techniques, and approaches. Some practitioners integrate Reiki with other healing modalities, such as crystal healing or aromatherapy.

The Scientific Perspective

From a scientific standpoint, Reiki remains controversial. While many individuals report positive experiences and benefits, there is limited empirical evidence supporting its efficacy. The practice is often categorized as a form of pseudoscience, with critics pointing to the lack of a plausible mechanism for how it works. However, it’s widely accepted as a complementary therapy, often used alongside conventional medical treatment to aid in relaxation and stress reduction.

Physical and Mental Benefits of Reiki

Physical Healing

Reiki is often sought for its potential to promote physical healing. Practitioners believe that by channeling universal life energy into the body, they can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This can be particularly beneficial for:

  • Pain relief: Reiki may help in reducing pain from migraines, arthritis, sciatica, and chronic conditions.
  • Improving symptoms of fatigue: By promoting relaxation, Reiki can help alleviate feelings of tiredness.
  • Enhancing recovery from surgery: Reiki is sometimes used as a complementary therapy to accelerate the body’s natural healing process post-surgery.
  • Supporting cancer care: Reiki can be used alongside traditional cancer treatments to help manage symptoms and side effects like nausea and pain.

Mental Clarity and Stress Reduction

Reiki is also valued for its mental health benefits, primarily its ability to reduce stress and promote mental clarity.

  • Stress reduction: Reiki induces a state of relaxation, which can help lower stress levels.
  • Anxiety and depression: Regular Reiki sessions can provide a calming effect that may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Enhancing clarity and focus: By promoting a calm and balanced state, Reiki can improve concentration and mental clarity.

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Reiki

Emotional Healing

Reiki can be a powerful tool for emotional healing.

  • Releasing emotional blockages: Practitioners believe Reiki can help in releasing suppressed emotions, aiding in emotional balance and well-being.
  • Coping with grief and sadness: Reiki can provide comfort, helping individuals process and cope with emotional pain and loss.
  • Building emotional resilience: Over time, Reiki can help individuals develop a stronger, more resilient emotional state.

Spiritual Growth

The practice of Reiki can also contribute to spiritual growth.

  • Enhancing self-awareness: Reiki encourages introspection, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself.
  • Spiritual awakening: Some individuals experience spiritual awakenings or a heightened sense of spirituality through Reiki practice.
  • Connection with the universe: Reiki’s principles promote a sense of connection with the universal life force, fostering a sense of harmony and interconnectedness.

Detailed Instructions and Examples

How to Practice Reiki for Emotional and Spiritual Benefits

  1. Setting the Intent: Begin by setting a clear intention for healing. This could be a specific emotional issue or a desire for spiritual growth.
  2. Relaxation: Start with deep breathing or meditation to bring your body into a relaxed state.
  3. Hand Positions: Gently place your hands on or near the body in traditional Reiki positions, or intuitively place them where you feel drawn. Focus on areas that correspond to emotional centers, like the heart or stomach.
  4. Visualization and Affirmation: Visualize the Reiki energy as a healing light. Use affirmations that support your intent, like “I release emotional blockages with ease.”
  5. Reflection: After a session, spend time in reflection or journaling to process any emotions or insights that arose.


  • Example for Emotional Healing: A person dealing with grief may focus the Reiki session on the heart area, using affirmations like “I am open to healing and love.” They might experience a release of sadness, leading to a feeling of lightness and peace.
  • Example for Spiritual Growth: An individual seeking spiritual connection might concentrate on the crown or third-eye chakra. They could visualize connecting to a higher power or universal energy, leading to experiences of profound insight or an increased sense of oneness with the universe.

References and Resources

Here are some recommended references and resources for Reiki:

  1. Offers a variety of resources and downloads, including Reiki symbol handouts and class outlines for different levels of Reiki training.
  2. Reiki Therapy Resources: Provides a free download of 10 online resources for your Reiki practice, covering training, client management, and business tasks.
  3. International Center for Reiki Training: Listed as a training resource to develop and broaden your knowledge about Reiki.
  4. Reiki Professional Academy: A business resource to develop and broaden your knowledge about your Reiki practice.
  5. Your Reiki Practice: A marketing training resource to develop and broaden your knowledge for your Reiki practice.
  6. Reiki Rays: A Reiki resource hub offering a curated selection of free podcasts, videos, guided meditations, masterclasses, healing circles, and more.

These resources should help you in your journey towards operating a Reiki practice that you dream of. Please note that the availability and content of these resources may vary, and it’s always a good idea to check for the most current and comprehensive information. Enjoy your exploration of Reiki!

Workshops and Courses

Here are some recommended workshops and courses on Reiki:

  1. Reiki Level I, II, and Master/Teacher Program
  2. Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher Certification
  3. Reiki Level I, II, and Master Certification | Energy Healing
  4. Animal & Pet Reiki Energy Healing Certification Course
  5. Animal Reiki Practitioner Certification
  6. Build Your Ideal Reiki Business
  7. How to Protect & Restore Yourself from Negative Energy
  8. Advanced Reiki Training (ART) and Master/Teacher Training
  9. Reiki, Medicine & Self Care with Pamela Miles
  10. Breathworks Miracles Natural Healer
  11. Dream Makers Academy Reiki Store
  12. Innergaia – Kathleen Hawk

Please check these resources for more details and to find the course that suits your needs best. Happy learning!


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Reiki:

  1. What is Reiki? Reiki is a form of energy healing that involves light (or no) touch. Using gentle hand movements, Reiki practitioners guide energy within a person’s body to encourage self-healing.
  2. How does Reiki work? One theory behind Reiki is that interactions between the energy field (also known as the “biofield”) of the practitioner and the energy field of the recipient trigger the healing effects.
  3. What is the history of Reiki? The Reiki method of healing was founded on the revelation and understanding of the body’s energy system.
  4. Is Reiki a religion? No, Reiki is not a religion. It is a spiritual healing practice that is independent of any religious belief system.
  5. How is a Reiki treatment given? A session of Reiki can help shift your body’s stress response into a state that is more conducive to healing, according to Reiki practitioners.
  6. Does one have to stop seeing a regular doctor or psychologist in order to receive a Reiki treatment? No, Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment. People should always contact a doctor for professional help with any medical or mental health issues.
  7. Are there any side effects from a Reiki treatment? Reiki is generally considered safe and has no known harmful side effects.
  8. Does insurance cover Reiki treatments? Coverage for Reiki treatments varies by insurance provider and plan.
  9. Are there any scientific experiments that demonstrate how Reiki works? While there is still little conclusive evidence to explain precisely how or why Reiki works, there is a growing body of data suggesting it helps some people with sleep, pain, anxiety, depression, stress management, and symptom management for chronic health problems.

Please note that these are general answers, and the experience can vary greatly from person to person.

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